hello, i have an issue adding a microcode to P7P55D-EVO bios. i extracted the latest microcode of the i7 860 (cpuid 106E5) from the latest microcode.dat and verified the file with the intelmicrocodelist.exe file (output: CPUID=106E5 Rev=07 2013/08/20 CRC=C6783666 Off=0 Size=1C00 Plat=0,1,4) then i tried to replace the old microcode with mmtool 3.26 but it says the microcode file is invalid. then i exctracted the current microcode and run a verification on it (CPUID=106E5 Rev=04 2010/04/05 CRC=F7762473 Off=0 Size=1800 Plat=0,1,4) then i found out that the sizes differ.the most recent microcode looks okay to me since i can add it with the uefi mmtool to an uefi bios. any suggestions?i included the exctracted / the recent and the bios file.
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