The Lost In The Labyrinth
The Lost In The Labyrinth ->>>
Enter The Lost Labyrinth, as Sophie awakes to find herself in an eerie and perilous place, crowded with mysterious creatures. Can Sophie overcome the dangers, and free the tormented creatures Discover a breathtaking adventure through the many mazes of a cursed labyrinth. Explore its mysteries and secrets, and fight against the dangers that await those who dare to enter The Lost Labyrinth.
According to the game site, the story deals with a group of adventurers seeking the ancient artifacts of a lost race known only as the \"Draguun\". The game retains some of its predecessors' traits, such as the dungeon exploration, character creation and \"home site\" towns, but its gameplay format is expected to be similar to the latest Wizardry games, such as Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land.
They took me through the rooms on the upper floor, so what I will say about them is from my own observation, but about the underground rooms I can only speak of what they told me, because the Egyptians in charge refused to let me see them, as they contain the tombs of the kings who built the labyrinth, and also the tombs of the sacred crocodiles.
In 1888, Professor Flinders Petrie perhaps located the actual site of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth at Hawara. Enough original foundations remained to be able to roughly determine the size and orientation of the building.
The Great Labyrinth of Ancient Egypt was visited and witnessed first-hand by the great historians of millennia past, yet ultimately it was lost in the desert sands and its physical presence remained unknown for over 2,500 years.
Nathan Drake has been called to New York City by Victor Sullivan. Sully's old friend, a world-famous archaeologist, has just been found murdered in Manhattan. Dodging assassins, Drake, Sully, and the dead man's daughter, Jada Hzujak, race from New York to underground excavations in Egypt and Greece. Their goal: to uncover the astonishing discovery that got Jada's father killed. It appears that a fourth labyrinth was built in another land and another culture - and within it lies a key to unmatched wealth and power. An army of terrifying lost warriors guards this underground maze. So does a monster.[1]
Sully takes Nate to the apartment where Jada is hiding, afraid to speak to the police, and it turns out she remembers him from one of the dozen or so times Nate met Luka. Apparently he used to be cuter. Back on topic, Jada explains what she remembers her father mentioning - connections between King Midas, alchemy and labyrinths. She's been researching those connections, and come across the name Dr Maynard P Cheney, an expert on ancient labyrinths putting on an exhibition at the local museum - on labyrinths.
Nate, Sully and Jada head to the museum to follow up this lead, and a grumpy graduate student, Gretchen Welch, shows them up to Cheney's office - where they arrive seconds after Cheney was stabbed to death. Nate is unable to find any sign of the killer, so he persuades Gretchen to tell them what Cheney found out. It turns out Luka visited Cheney, and they discussed a connection between the labyrinth on Crete (the one with the Minotaur) and another labyrinth recently discovered in Egypt, where her brother Ian is one of the project managers. Cheney had also discovered evidence that both labyrinths were designed by Daedalus, as well as references to the Minotaur, and that Luka had believed he knew the location of a third labyrinth. Before they depart, Gretchen agrees to call her brother and persuade him to help them.
Arriving in Egypt, one of Sully's contacts (a man named Chigaru) provides them with a vehicle and weapons before they head to the hotel. They search the rooms Luka stayed in on his visit, and find his journal concealed in the air conditioning unit. It contains notes and maps, along with much of Luka's speculations about the labyrinths. It confirms Luka believed the three labyrinths were all designed by Daedalus, and that each labyrinth had a custodian (a Mistress) who would receive tribute in the form of honey in the 'honey chamber'. There is also the note that Henriksen is not interested in the first three labyrinths - but wants the treasure in the Fourth. Sully comments that it's food for thought, and for the questions they'll ask Ian Welch when they meet him that night.
It turns out that Gretchen's brother is more than willing to answer their questions over dinner, confirming that Luka's theories fit the evidence they've found at the dig. He also confirms that the Mistress of the Labyrinth is separate from the Minotaur, and that she received more tribute than all the other Gods combined (each labyrinth is dedicated to a specific God - the labyrinth in Egypt, for example, is dedicated to Sobek). Ian believes the honey the Mistress was given was, in fact, gold. The evidence uncovered suggests Daedalus paid his workers in gold from a stockpile at the centre, but at the same time the story of a group of thieves who entered the labyrinth tells that there is no gold - or any trace of Daedalus - in the labyrinth. The tablets further mention monsters guarding the labyrinth, but the discussion is interrupted by the arrival of Olivia Hzujak. She claims that she is wracked with grief over Luka's death and is afraid that Henriksen will kill her too, but Jada refuses to believe her and stalks out of the restaurant when Nate and Sully invite her to sit and talk. Nate follows - and finds Jada under attack by suited men with guns. In the ensuing fight, hooded ninja-like assassins appear and kill the suited men, whispering to Jada before they vanish 'go home'.
Olivia disappears in the confusion, and Nate, Sully and Jada return to their hotel. The next day, they meet with Ian at the dig site as they arranged early the previous night. He is careful, as the expedition now has a new sponsor - Tyr Henriksen and Phoenix Innovations have taken over funding the dig, and Henriksen himself is being given a tour of the site by the expedition leader. Ian knows they will take some time before entering the labyrinth, so he takes the trio straight to the centre. While they investigate, Malissa Corrigan (another archaeologist) shows Ian a recent find which suggests the Mistress would pass the honey she received on to the protector of the labyrinth - possibly a monster in the 'secret heart'. Nate examines a semi-unearthed vase, and triggers a trap. He is caught by the belt before he falls into a deep pit, but his accident reveals on the wall a hieroglyphic representation of a Minotaur.
Examining the shaft, Sully spies a faint light at the bottom, which means there must be more chambers beneath them with another way in. They soon discover the proper entrance under the altar in the centre of the room, and reveal a malformed skeleton lying at the top of the stairs down, trying to claw its way out. The growths on the skull, and the fake horns it's wearing, lead to speculation that this may have been the Minotaur. The archaeologists are unwilling to cover for Nate or Ian's actions, so Nate, Sully, Jada and Ian descend alone. They discover three further chambers, each representing a different labyrinth and dedicated to their respective Gods - Sobek, Dionysus (the Knossos labyrinth) and Poseidon (the Third labyrinth).
Nate is uneasy, sure he's hearing and seeing things in his peripheral vision, while Ian establishes through ancient texts in the Poseidon Chamber that the third labyrinth is on the island of Thera. The island was destroyed in a volcanic eruption, and exists today as the archipelago of Santorini. Sully points out that the only dig on Santorini is the excavation of the Minoan settlement of Akrotiri, believed by some to be the remains of the legendary lost city of Atlantis. Ian identifies a reference to the village of Therasia on Santorini, and asks to come with them, since he's pretty sure he's fired for letting them come down here.
Using Ian's discovery and Luka's notebook, they find the entrance to the third labyrinth beneath a medieval fortress close to the village of Akrotiri. The journal also provides the clue to a safe route through the labyrinth, but Nate can't help noticing that the walls are decorated with a curious flower motif. Eventually, they find a space where the path has collapsed - earthquakes have opened up fissures and rents within the island, allowing the sea to flood into certain chambers, as well as barring the path forward. Nate, Sully and Jada turn back, intending to find another way to the centre - and walk right into Tyr Henriksen, Olivia and some hired muscle.
Nate and Jada make it to the central chamber, having lost the hooded assassins. They discover another secret complex beneath the altar, as there was in Egypt, but this labyrinth has four chambers where in Egypt there were three. Two of the chambers have collapsed into a sea cave, but one of the surviving chambers is dedicated to an unknown Chinese god, but clearly indicates that the Fourth Labyrinth is in China. Henriksen catches up with them, and offers them a deal: Sully may be alive - if the hooded men wanted to kill him, they could have easily done so - but Nate and Jada's best chance of finding him again is to work with Henriksen. Nate agrees to settle their differences later, and Jada reluctantly acquiesces.
Olivia examines the Chinese chamber, and deduces that the decorations represent Chinese hell, or Diyu - which was also said to be a maze of many levels. Where better to hide gold and treasure than hell itself Their academia is interrupted by a rumbling from above - the hooded assassins have detonated explosives in the medieval fortress, sealing them within the labyrinth. Nate, however, is certain there's another way out. Nate heads back to the sea cave where the other two chambers collapsed, and goes on alone to find an underwater way out of the labyrinth, stowing his clothes and equipment in Henriksen's waterproof pack. He successfully locates a way out to the sea, and everyone escapes. 153554b96e